By Allan Knapp
In speaking of teachings, parables, things we have heard and known, the psalmist writes:
“We will not hide them from their children,
but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might,
and the wonders that he has done.” (Psalm 78:4)
Christianity is an historical religion. The creation, Adam, the flood, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus all really occurred in a place and time designated by the God of the universe. Psalm 78 reminds the Israelites to remember God’s mighty works for them in their history from the time of Jacob through the Exodus to Canaan.
University Reformed Church has been through many noteworthy events in the last decade. We moved to a new building in 2012 (check the plaque on the wall outside the sanctuary). We changed denominations in 2015. We celebrated 50 years as a congregation in 2016. We said goodbye to our second senior pastor in 2017 and welcomed our third in 2018. We had our first live streaming service in 2020! In all these major events and many more small ones, God worked miraculously to preserve our unity and to show himself mighty to save.
We are now in the midst of another historical event. No one alive has seen schools and universities shut down, bars and restaurants closed, and travel restricted. And no sports! These life-changing events have come suddenly upon us and affect the whole world, not just our congregation.
A year from now, Lord willing, we will be recounting our good, bad, and ugly experiences during the great COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. God IS working in ALL things. Be on the alert for what he is doing, continue steadfastly in prayer (Col 4:2) for his wisdom and guidance for our everyday actions, and take notes so we can tell the coming generation the wonders that he has done.
Steve Roskos says
Watch for God.