Our Ministry Training Program is a long-term investment that seeks to equip individuals to serve in the future for the health and edification of the Church.
URC offers three Ministry Training tracks:
- Internship — for applicants who have not received formal theological education at a Master’s level
- Residency — for applicants who are currently enrolled as theological students
- Fellowship — for applicants who have graduated with an M. Div degree and are pursuing pastoral ministry
Internship Track
To prepare individuals to become effective, responsible, and godly ministers through study and practice
About the Internship
The Ministry Internship exists to provide experience in a specific ministry field to individuals who have discerned God’s calling but have not yet embarked upon formal theological education. University Reformed Church also offers training programs to individuals who are enrolled in educational programs (the Residency) and those who have graduated (the Fellowship).
Each intern will be assigned a track at the discretion of the church staff and the Executive Committee (ExComm), based upon the intern's experience, gifting, and vision for future ministry. Track options include: pastoral, campus ministry, international ministry, counseling, youth ministry, and music
Full-time internships last for a twelve-month period and consist of 10-15 hours per week of general intern training, with 25-30+ hours per week devoted to the intern's specific ministry track. A second year internship may be offered by the intern's advisor with the approval of ExComm.
Download: Ministry Intern Program - Policies
"Through the internship, God repeatedly challenged me and taught me about a pastor’s heart, and by His grace I hope the internship will continue to produce fruit in my life, and in the life of The Church for years to come… Most of all, I’m glad I had this internship because I have a concrete idea of what it takes to be a pastor.”
— former Pastoral Intern Josh Duemler (2017-2018).
Residency Track
To provide personalized, hands-on training and experience to complement seminary studies, as well as further the development of ministry aptitude, gifts, and sense of calling
About the Residency
Residents will work closely with and support the ministry staff in their duties, all to the promotion of the vision and mission of the church. URC will invest in this resident and his or her family, assisting in preparation for full-time ministry. Each resident will receive assistance in finding a suitable placement upon the completion of the residency.
Residents must be pursuing a post-baccalaureate degree from an approved seminary, and must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, verified through grade submissions at the end of every semester. Residents are full-time students, and will be expected to contribute a minimum of 10-15 hours of work that directly serves URC. Residencies generally last for 1-3 years and include a full time salary with benefits, with all of the funds provided through fundraising.
Fellowship Track
To provide personalized, hands-on training and experience for seminary graduates desiring to develop further their ministry aptitude, gifts, and sense of calling
About the Fellowship
Fellows will work closely with and support the ministry staff in their duties, all to the promotion of the vision and mission of the church. URC will invest in this fellow and his family, assisting in his preparation for full-time ministry. Each fellow will receive assistance in finding a suitable call upon the completion of the fellowship.
Fellows must be graduates with an M.Div from an approved seminary. The Fellowship usually lasts for 1-2 years and includes a full-time salary with benefits. The majority of the funds are provided through URC’s Pastoral Fellowship Fund, and remaining funds are provided through a Fellow’s fundraising.
Ready to Take the Next Steps?
More Information
For more information including: How the program works, expectations, qualifications, fundraising, application and hiring process, please contact Assistant Pastor, Nate Groelsema.